Finland, typically celebrated as a titan of the metal scene, is seeing its musical landscape transformation led by none other than the Mike Bell Cartel. This quintet is shaking the status quo, proving that Finnish music is more than just metallic riffs and heavy basslines.
The latest release from the Mike Bell Cartel, “Ain’t No High,” is a bold and captivating album that showcases the band’s unique sound and powerful lyrics. From start to finish, each track is a dynamic blend of 60’s Pop and Garage Punk elements, creating a truly fascinating listening experience.
The album kicks off with the energetic and infectious title track, “Ain’t No High.” As soon as the first chords hit, it’s clear that this band is not afraid to show what real Garage Punk is all about The combination of gritty Fuzz guitar riffs and swirly organ parts instantly draws you in and sets the tone.
as you flip the record get ready to be swept off your feet to the magical journey that awaits you on the other side – a delightful ditty titled, “Like No Other.” From the moment the needle touches down, you’re whirled into a captivating blend of acoustic guitars and energetic rhythm section, a radiant homage to the classic 60’s Byrds Pop style
“Ain’t No High” is a record that takes you on a unique sonic journey, proving that the Mike Bell Cartel is boldly shaking up the Finnish music scene. It’s a testament to the band’s creativity, passion, and commitment to pushing boundaries.
Rogue Records truly deserves commendation for bringing this audacious and authentic sound to the forefront. They are not just a record label, They are proving themselves to be true rogues in the pool of Independent labels